We  improve performances in hospitals, clinics and laboratories

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úéáú è÷ñè:  service life

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Kanomax Hanheld Airborne Laser Particle Counters Model 3887 for particulate monitoringúéáú è÷ñè: What should be done?
Major source of disease and contamination in hospitals and clinics lays in the air-conditioning systems and in the quality of air. Sore throat, red eyes, headaches, “lack of air syndrome" acquired diseases, are all part of the same problem.
 Airborne concentrations of microbes and nano particles pose a hazard both to stuff and embryos.  In many hospitals this source of contamination looks like a new, unfamiliar  science. A simple air sample usually reveals contamination that has been associated with human health problems in indoor environments.
Base maintenance personnel have no regular access to provide periodic professional disease preventive maintenance (PM) on the hospital Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems.
úéáú è÷ñè: Periodical examination and tests for "IVF  clinics" 

1.	Air quality  measurements
1.1.	 monitoring of air cleanliness according to ISO 14644-1;
1.2.	humidity and temperature patterns;
1.3.	 CO2  ppm  in the air CO  ppm  in the air;
1.4.	O2  percentage in the air;
1.5.	VOC levels in the air;
1.6.	VOC levels in compressed CO2.

2.	Measuring and evaluating  the effective number of air changes in the room
2.1.	evaluating the tightness factor;
2.2.	measuring the number of air changes;
2.3.	evaluating the air movement pattern in the room;
2.4.	inspection of the AHU  and filters, measuring the quality and efficiency of the HEPA filters;
2.5.	measuring the differential pressure between the room and the surrounding relevant area.
úéáú è÷ñè: 3.	Evaluating sterile qualities of the room and surroundings
3.1.	evaluating  airborne microorganisms in the room;
3.2.	evaluating the cleanliness of the room and equipment  (protein test and ATP test);
3.3.	total microorganism count in samples taken from room surface and equipment; 
3.4.	evaluating the sterilization effectiveness of  autoclave sterilizer  and the way materials are being handled.

4.	Physical environment hazards
4.1.	monitoring the intensity of electromagnetic fields in the room;
4.2.	monitoring the intensity of ultraviolet light;
4.3.	monitoring the sound levels;
4.4.	monitoring the quantity of positive ions in the air.

These series of tests, which last no more than a few hours, provide a clear and accurate   picture of the room and of the maintenance quality. There after one can determine what measures have to be taken in order to bring the room condition to an acceptable level.
These series of tests determine the Room Grade according to the EN GMP.
úéáú è÷ñè: úéáú è÷ñè:


techno engineering  Israel
úéáú è÷ñè: P.O,B  291  Rishon Lezion  7171101 Israel.   
email: info@dan4life.com  Mobile +972 52 4700780